Hi, I'm Lorna!

I'm the founder of the Self Mastery Method, a holistic lifestyle approach to wellbeing, positive relationships and fulfilling your soul's purpose.

I'm on mission to support thousands of conscious leaders, educators, creatives and change seekers to become masters of their own being, so that they can model this self mastery within their homes, work places and society at large.

I am also the founder of a pioneering programme that supports schools in taking a whole school community approach to integrating holistic health.

So why am I on this mission...

In my early twenties, I faced a series of profoundly life-changing experiences.

At the age of 19, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. After 2 major surgeries and a year of chemotherapy, I was given the all clear.

I completed my Bachelors of Science degree and embarked on a journey to South East Asia. Three months into my travels, I received the devasting news my father had suddenly died, he was 56 years old.

After a short period of time at home, I returned to Thailand working for an NGO and teaching in a local school. It was 2004. And on boxing day that year, I found myself in the middle of one of the world's worst natural disasters.

At the time, I didn't fully recognise the profound impact of these events as trauma. Unconsciously, I coped by slipping into a state of denial, masking my emotions and resorting to other sociably acceptable ways of managing stress.

I completed a Postgraduate degree in Education and made the move from Scotland to teach in London. My life was "normal", yet within, I grappled with a growing sense of disconnection.

My work life balance was completely off, I had lost my sense of purpose (even though I was in a very purposeful career) and I wasn't sleeping well at night.

I became increasingly disheartened by the immense pressures the education system placed on individuals at every level. Something had to change, but I didn't know quite what or how...

I believed there must be another way to feel and experience my working life so I went looking for it....

Sensing that the practices of yoga and meditation held the keys, I started to study in the best yoga institutes in London, and then embarked on two consecutive years of intensive study in India.

I started sharing what I had learned with the children in my classroom, with profound results.

While still actively teaching, I undertook a Leadership for Change research program with the Institute of Education at UCL. My focus centered on examining the influence of mindfulness and yoga practices integrated into the curriculum on children's emotional, social, and academic outcomes when applied across an entire school community.

Drawing from the rich tapestry of my research, personal experiences, and successful implementation within schools, I formulated a pioneering program. This initiative guides primary schools in adopting a holistic approach to improving health and raising attainment by taking a whole school consistent approach to integrating mindfulness and self-compassion, integral facets of the Self Mastery Method.

Holistic Health Coach & Mentor

Over the past seven years, I've undertaken comprehensive training as a yoga therapist, specialising in ancient Tibetan practices and Himalayan technologies.

This includes areas such as nutrition, liver detox, gut health, therapeutic movement, breathwork, women's hormonal and womb health, and positive psychology.

This fusion of ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific insights on nutrition, movement and reaching your full potential, will awaken your capacity to feel in flow with life.

The Journey of Self Mastery

The Self Mastery Method is a complete holistic approach that encompasses all aspects of what makes a human thrive.

Utilising cutting edge coaching techniques, results in a transformative approach that will enable you to lead with purpose, nourish your
being, deepen your connection with others and experience the abundance of life.

Now is the time to reclaim your energy, rekindle your sense of purpose, and embody a consistent, nurturing approach to every facet of your life.

What People Are Saying

From working with Lorna, I am able to deal with my triggers in a completely different way. I no longer get dragged into the drama and react. I am more confident and my relationship has improved. I am able to separate the negative inner critic from the truth. I am able to regulate my emotions more effectively when things don’t go to plan and I can see the positive now in different situations. I am making new choices and I am calmer and happier for it.

Sheryl - Human Resources

I have experienced a range of teachers over the years however, Lorna is by far one of the best I have found. She is knowledgeable, thorough, authentic, and very attentive. She is incredibly intuitive and has a way of instructing and guiding you, enabling you to feel connected physically, emotionally and mentally. It is through her integrative approach that I have felt the healing and transformational benefits of these practices. She is deeply passionate and committed to her work. She is the real deal. I highly recommend her.

Lisa - Music and Voice Coach

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